Wednesday, 28 November 2018

runs amok
and makes me talk..

I love to adorn
myself with a
pink lip-gloss,
...  lip-stick,
....  lip-pencil,
to make my lips look like flowering petals
that often are a poet's delight.

Spending endless hours
      in the stores,
selecting shades,
trying them on,
pursing the pair of them
for that natural blend.

Spending a whopping sum,
on myriad shades so winsome,
All to keep my being
proud and vain.

All in vain.
As I step out
with my lipstick on...
I camouflage,
...all my time I spent in stores,
...all my time I spent at home,
preening in front of the mirror,
...all the expenses I incurred,

With the obnoxious mask!
Oomph gasping in the mask!!
My vanity far from fair!

The appalling look…
make gurgling babies cry,
wagging dogs bark,
a fearsome stranger on the run,
either out of a gas chamber
...or to visit one!

Well! Well! Well!
Well-being! Wisdom!! Watch-out!!!
is my trinity
Reason wins over Vanity!
Just want to make sure to preserve
my precious pair of Lungs
in the pinkest of hues -

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