Friday, 29 July 2011


Flipping through a tattered Magazine
 of the February 2011 India Today Women
 I came across an article on Mariane Pearl  .
The slain journalist Daniel Pearl’s wife has
 moved on ever since .Her poise and courage is
 an inspiration for many across the globe.She
 doesn’t believe in giving into violence…and
believes that she’d be playing to the terrorists
tune if she turned to thoughts like revenge for
the Al-Quida who in 2002 had the world sit up
and watch the news of 5 week long torture and
 eventual murder of her husband.The devastatedMariane was 5 months pregnant with their sonAdam now 8 years old .She doggedly refused to change to bitterness. Her compassion for humanityoverlooked all feelings of violence.
Her story reached the entire world .through her best selling memoir, A Mighty Heart :The Brave Life And Death Of My Husband Daniel Pearl.She said she  had written it to explain to her son that his father was no ordinary man .The book has been made into a feature film by the same name.
She is a journalist in her own right and writes a column in  ‘Glamour’ one of the largest selling  fashion magazine. The column Global Diaries documents the struggle of women particularly in the third world countries. She has published  the articles in a book called In Search Of Hope.The Global Diaries of Mariane Pearl...featuring
brave women around the globe.
She considers herself lucky for finding
companionship again in Martin –V.P.
of a Forest Management Company.
She may never forgive or forget what
life  offered her , but she learnt enough
positivity to bring her slowly but surely
back to life!
What a woman - indeed a ‘brave heart’!

Monday, 25 July 2011


You have a bounty from your
Cucumber plants?
Wash one thoroughly
Taste it for bitterness
If sweet ,along with it’s skin
Liquidize it in a liquidiser
Drink it’s fresh juice!
And read the benefits you
will derive ….
It has 90% water hence it is
known to be a cooling agent .
It rids the body of extra fluids
and removes toxins and harmful
wastes from the body.
It contains Vitamin C,Folic acid,
Vitamin A,Magnesium and Potassium.
It’s hard skin contains fibres,silica…
assists in strengthening bones ,ligaments,
blood vesselsand tendons.
1 keeps body hyderated and cool.
2.treats high B.P.
3.treats acidity.
4.cures skin problem
5.promotes healthy hair growth.
7.prevents water retention.
8. helpful for diabeties
9.good for the eyes.
It helps in reducing swelling
around the eyes and also reduces
the dark circles under the eyes.
They are the most wonderful and
Natural eye pads,you can find .
After a long session with the
Computer they are welcome
Soothers to the eyes.
It contains natural salts and
Vitamins which are good for
cell growth ,its high mineral
content provide natural source
of anti oxidants.Because of its
water base it is very useful as
a diuretic.It has cleansing action
inside the body by removing old
waste.It assists in eliminating
uric acid.
It is essentially alkaline in nature
due to the minerals it contains.
Hence it is very effective in curing
Acidity by neutralising the pH content
of  the body .It is also a soothing agent
for gastric ulcers .
It contains potassium,Magnesium and
Traces of sodium that work effectively
For regulating B.P.both high and low.
Prevents water retention:It contains
 caffeic and ascorbic acids which prevent
 water retention .
On taking cucumber joints get cleaned .it
assists in inflamed conditions like asthama.
gout and arthritis  .
Helpful for Diabeties:It contains a hormone
That is required by the pancreas to produce
 more insulin and is thus an essential diet for
the diebetics.
It ‘s indeed cool!

Sunday, 24 July 2011


Came across an interesting news item
In yesterdays Hindustan Times. about
much awaited Biometric pre paid
 taxi service operation system in Delhi.
This is in view of ensuring safety
of the airport passengers.
A specialised  software is used
to issue pre=paid slips. The new slip
contains details of the passenger,
his flight details,passport details
 in case of an international flier and
 details of the bay from which he
 would board the taxi.There are a
total of 41 bays at the I.G.I.airport .
About 3000 authorised taxi drivers
have been issued biometric cards.
All have them have been verified
By the Delhi Police And DIAL
Delhi International Airport Ltd.
All details of the driver and vehicle
Are stored in the card. The drivers
will have to first swap the card at
the entry point and then get their
identity verified using biometric
system  to enter the authorised
parking area at the airport.
A step in the right direction
I say!


Came across an interesting news item
In yesterdays Hindustan Times. about
much awaited Biometric pre paid
 taxi service operation system in Delhi.
This is in view of ensuring safety
of the airport passengers.
A specialised  software is used
to issue pre=paid slips. The new slip
contains details of the passenger,
his flight details,passport details
 in case of an international flier and
 details of the bay from which he
 would board the taxi.There are a
total of 41 bays at the I.G.I.airport .
About 3000 authorised taxi drivers
have been issued biometric cards.
All have them have been verified
By the Delhi Police And DIAL
Delhi International Airport Ltd.
All details of the driver and vehicle
Are stored in the card. The drivers
will have to first swap the card at
the entry point and then get their
identity verified using biometric
system  to enter the authorised
parking area at the airport.
A step in the right direction
I say!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

OLD IS GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

Reading todays paper I came
 across this interesting piece by
 Renuka Narayan. She has given
a few random thoughts on getting
older to help us get perspective.
1.    Do not regret growing older
it is a privilege denied to many.
2.    Age is an issue of mind
over matter :if you don’t
mind,it doesn’t matter .said
Mark Twain.
3.    Nobody grows old merely
by living a number of years .
we grow old by deserting our
ideals .Years may wrinkle
the skin ,but to give up
enthusiasm wrinkles the
soul. Samuel Ullman.
4.    You are as young as
old as your doubt;as young
as your self-confidence,as
old as your fear ;as young
as your hope ,as old as
your despair.Douglas
Mac Arthur –famous general.
5.    Age does not diminish
the extreme disappointment
of having a scoop of icecream
fall from the cone.Jim Fiebig.
6.    To be 70 years young is
sometimes far more cheerful
and hopeful than to be 40
years old’.Oliver Wendell Holmes.
7.It’s sad to grow old but
nice to ripen .
Gorgeous Brigitte Bardot.
8.Growing old is inevitable.
Growing up is optional.
Interesting random thoughts.. .
I say however
one is as old as one feels !
I for one feel young when alone
And amonst youngsters feel old
Theory of relativity …anyone?!


Sunday, 3 July 2011


Druv Lakra
IBN-18 have initiated the
Young Indian Leader’s Awards.
In its second year it presented the
Awards on 30th June 2011.It is in
order to give recognition to fresh
 energy,brilliance,fiery ambition,
positive spirit and radical ideas of
 Indian Youth ,who are powered
 with exuberance and enterprising spirit .
This breed of young bold and fearless
 go getters  is confident ,well informed,
optimistic,progressive,triumphant in their
 stance.They infuse a fiery zeal and inspire
 our youth to come forward and participate
 in the nation’s progress and catapult India
 to newer heights of success .
Out of the many selected for the award I
was taken in by the imaginative
 social endeavour of Dhruv Lakra.
A MBA graduate from Oxford .
He started Mirakle Couriers.
A Courrier company with a
difference ,which employs only
deaf and dumb youth . On the
premise that a courier service
requires minimal use of speech
and hearing. He thought of
starting this business for the
specially abled people .Barring
the 4 Managerial staff all employees
are hearing disabled. A misiah for them .
He has 2 branches in Mumbai and
plans to go Pan India in the long run.
I must say Kudos! to the most
dynamic social activist!!!