Thursday, 11 August 2011


Came across Moni on India Today Women
and as usual I went on Google.
|"The Diary of A Social Butterfly"
it features in a Pakistan's National
Weekly …The Friday Times.
It is a hillarious social commentry
on the idle banter of what Moni calls
the Butterfly.
The Butterfly is a knuckle brained
socialite,cosseted airhead who has
the unusual trait of delivering
 a bolt from the blue with her,
  by the way ,shrewd,political comment.
Malapropism is her forte.
Moni Mohsin has culled the columns
spanning 7 critical years January2001
to Jan 2008 into a book by the same
name,released in India by the Random
House Umbrella .
In her writings, fools are her theme and
satire  is her tenor,which sends one in
splits.It is  a book with biting humour.
She uses Janoo(the butterfly’s husband)
as her mouth piece when she wants to
highlight a serious issue….however she
 doesn’t let him take over for,after all
it’s the Butterfly’s Diary not his.
In an interview her take on  the book
 is that it is amusing,entertaining and
 sometimes annoying!
She sails through volatile times right
from 9/11 to Benazir Bhutto’s
assissination,with her tittle tattle
and parties.Her writing points to
 the fact that the media in Pakistan
enjoys a fair bit of latitude.
There is a generous smattering of
Punjabi,Urdu and Hindi words that
 have been well received in India.
Salman Rushdie terms it as
Chutneyfication of  the
English language.
Looks to be a good read!Can’t wait
to have a few laughs…on the
hilarious social commentry
 because  …………………..there
is a Butterfly in all of us who love
a fun party and a good gossip!!!!!!

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