Tuesday 9 August 2011


Two whole days I was miserable
with sores on the left side of
my tongue . I e- mailed my
Dad Mum to share my pain
with them .Sure enough I got
 a call from my Dad .He said
apply Apple Cider Vinegar on
the sore with a swab of cotton.
The pain was so much that
without much belief I applied
the vinegar to the affected
part .Believe me what a
relief …I could talk without
the excruciating pain. Well that’s
what I call magic! Here I was
contemplating about fixing
up an appointment with a
doctor and I had my Dad
to my rescue…Remedy
Pandit indeed ! KUDOS!!!
Since he asked me to go
on the Google to find
about it’s benefits…
I just did that….
Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
It helps as follows..
1.cures allergies
2. Sinus infections
4.High Cholesterol
6.Chronic Fatigue
8.Acid reflux
9.Sore Throat
11.Arthritis and gout
12.Breaks down fat and
widely used to lose weight
13.Sooths Sunburns.
14. Type 2 diabeties.
15. Reverses aging
16.Eases Digestion
17. Protects against food poisoning.
18.Prevents Muscle Fatigue
19. Kills lice
20.Treats warts
I just added another
21.treats mouth ulcers…
The list is a long one
Seems like it is a panacea
Of all troubles!
Care should be taken…
It should be used in moderation
Drinking Vinegar or even lemon
juice on a regular basis can lead
to deterioration of dental enamel.
T prevent this it should be diluted
With water or a pinch of Baking
Not all Apple Cider Vinegars
are created equal.
The best type of Apple Cider
Vinegar to use is one which
Contains ‘mother of vinegar”
and is not pasturised.The
‘mother of vinegar’ is a natural
gelatinous substance formed
during the last fermentation step
and is found at the bottom of the

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