Sunday, 24 November 2013

Yoga, Meditation: Useful additions to the medical arsenal!

Browsing through the Business Standard a national daily I came upon this interesting item by Reuters.
John Denninger, a psychiatrist at the Harvard Medical School, in his research work is getting close to prove that yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease. There are myriad stress-induced ailments...from hypertension and infertility to depression and even the ageing process.
He has used neuro-imaging and genomics technology that has helped to measure physiological changes,besides the  participant questionnaires as well as heart rate and blood pressure monitoring.
I agree with the professor. Of'course the wonder of allopathic cure is laudable...yet self cure through yoga is an option one must explore!
P.S: Babamama, today even the West is acknowledging what our age old Yogis have waxed eloquent centuries ago. Hence it's time you start doing  the Pranayams, AnulomViloms,Kapalbhatis...make use of these arsenals in your medical kit!

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