Monday, 26 March 2012


I read Bipasha’s piece on the HT city and liked it.
It is all about being fit and not just thin. Exercising and
Gymming is all about being fit and not thin.Anorexia is not
an answer to ape your favourite stars /models.
 Believe in the philosophy ‘love yourself ’And if you are desirous of living for a good 100 years it is important to invest in your health.
Just as we invest in property ,relationships, and a career one should invest in health too!Otherwise other investments won’t matter.
It all boils down to nothing if one is not healthy. And if at all  for some reason one is subject to illhealth,one must fight tooth and nail because you live only once. Do not indulge in unhealthy food and drink. Make a distinction between ‘Eat to live and live to eat ’make your choice and discipline yourself and enthusiastically work your way to getting    a fit body  which will in turn get you an alert mind and your heart and soul shall be delighted in unison!

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