Thursday 22 March 2012


At the 1992 United Nations conference  on Environment and Development an international day to celebrate fresh water was recommended .The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating March 22 1993 as the first World Water Day .From then onwards ,World Water Day annually highlights a specific aspect of fresh water. In addition a number of NGOs promoting clean water and sustainable acquatic habitats have used World Day for Water as an occasion to focus public attention on the critical water issues of our era.
The World Water Day in 2012 is intented to draw the international attention on the relationships between water and food security.
Today there are over 7 billion people to feed on the planet and this number is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. We need water for food production .We must find ways to produce more food using less water,reduce food wastage and losses,and move towards more sustainable diets.
Water is the most important resource for sustaining ecosystems,which provide life-supporting services for people,animals and plants.
Lack of safe water and poor management of of human wastes can spread diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentry, typhoid, hepatitis, polio,trachoma and tapeworms also malaria and filariasis.
Clean water and adequate sanitation are a must  for solving the stated health problems. With the Greenhouse gases (mostly carbon di oxide,methane and ozone) on the increase .Temperatures will increase leading to increase evaporation from the oceans and will speed evaporation from land leading to scarcity of water.
Public participation is crucial for resolving the water crises. Every household must join hands and get into the act of saving water say by turning off taps while brushing teeth , washing utencils ,re-using the water from washing vegetables to water plants , re-using the water discharged from the washing machines for cleaning the washrooms etc.
Kitchen and toilet appliances should be made keeping water conservation in mind. The local water bodies should be protected.
Rain water harvesting(RWH)system should be popularised in the urban areas . Waste water treatment systems should be set up .The ingenious system recycles toilet excrements in a safe manner ,converting faecal matter into manure and passing the liquid through micro filters and reusing it for flushing. Vinod Tare ,a IIT professor has  contributed his bit in this field.
Lets get up and be about doing our bit towards conservation of this juice of hydrogen and oxygen an elixir of life indeed!The need of the hour!

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