Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Reading today’s daily The Times of India I came across this on page 19.
In May 2010 Ernst and Young (E&Y)released a report titled “The new market shearers :Tapping the potential for emerging markets”For the purpose of the report India was divided into four categories …..Top 6 Metros,
22 Key Urban Towns (KUT’s)or tier II towns ,39 Rest of Urban India Towns (ROUI) or Tier  III towns and Rural India.
The towns and cities were classified on the basis of population ,affluence level, and growth potential.
It was found that between 2006 and 2008,the growth in the number of Malls in the KUT was twice as that in the Metros .Sales of refrigerators and washing machines were almost double the rate in the metros.
The E&Y study ‘s insight into consumer behaviour points out that many in Tier II and Tier III towns have dumped their squirrel- like stashing mentality for spending .Brand consciousness is an all-time high .Those who have “arrived” want to announce it with with a luxury car, a designer wedding or a dream  holiday.
It is no surprise ,therefore that the industry is putting it’s money where the moolah is!More advertising expenditure by the companies is directed towards KUT’S and ROUI .All to strike them all with the tsunami of desires. Be it seized by the shoe fetish or luxury cars or even beauty treatment or the innumerable spa’s
There has been a homogenisation of young people with dressing up the same  way ,use the same gadgets, watch the same programmes …. Eat the same …Mc Donald's I am loving it!Only the small town guys have a hunger to prove themselves more!
Within Tier II Tier III towns there are hierarchies of population,economics and mentalities.Though they are in different stages of development , in different moments of history ,most are united by a common desire for the good life…I ‘m loving it…!!!!!!!!!

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