Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Grossly misunderstood 
full of failing very human 
without God's Blessings
a wretched being
auctioned his wife and infant daughter to a captain
all for some Rum!
remorse came about 
he shunned drinks !!
Immersed himself in work 
and went on to become the 
Mayor of Casterbridge.
Several years later with the 
sudden return of beautiful daughter and wife
started his downhill journey .
The first nail in his coffin
the Scotish youth flamboyant and modern 
who was an instant hit with all !
Daughter Elizabeth Jane secretly admired him 
Henchard himself was won over by him 
made him his manager to which he did full justice!
Soon he felt threatened by his popularity,
A series of misunderstandings 
he parted ways !
His wife died 
breaking his heart 
through a letter disclosing 
his daughter was the captain's !
A surge of hatred for Elizabeth Jane 
consumes him .
His solace his friend Lucetta comes to town 
much to his dismay falls in love and betrothed his arch rival !
However he had the satisfaction 
of a silent glee of being in possession of her amorous letters ,
good enough to make her life miserable !
Farfrae's success made a jealous Henchard 
In a last bid to succeed 
he went to soothsayer .
Based on his predictions
he invested wrongly
and lost it all 
and  rum once again he embraced!
Find Out Ye...
What happened to his daughter,Farfrae 
and his  own hapless person ?
Read the incredibly poignant novel 
with the flavour of the colourful sights and sounds 
of the country side by Thomas Hardy! 

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